2024: Year Review
This year the Stay Grounded Network took on everything from frequent flying to the industry's growing obsession with so-called "SAF". This is a - by no means comprehensive - attempt to give an overview of the activities and achievements of our 207 member initiatives,...

Opposing Disaster Capitalism: Lessons From Barbuda Airport
Residents of Barbuda have been fighting the construction of an international airport - which would serve as a gateway to an even larger development - that began as islanders were in the midst of dealing with the impact of Hurricane Irma. This article, written by...

The final declaration from Anti-COP 2024
Permanecer en la Tierra, Stay Grounded's regional network of Latin America and the Caribbean, attended the Global Gathering for Climate and Life - Anti-COP 2024 that took place in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. Represented by our member organisation CPOOEM (Coordination...

The Call for a Frequent Flying Levy
In October 2024, Stay Grounded published new research on the feasibility of a new progressive climate measure: A Frequent Flying Levy. A webinar on November 7th presented the most important findings, with inputs from Magdalena Heuwieser (Stay Grounded), Alex Chapman...

Tourism is destroying the planet – here’s how we fix it.
The recent floods in Spain starkly illustrate the climate crisis’s impact, notably affecting regions where residents have protested against mass tourism’s detrimental effects. This juxtaposition highlights tourism’s potential harm to our planet. However, tourism can also support vulnerable communities facing climate challenges. The Travel Foundation’s report, “Climate Justice in Tourism: An Introductory Guide,” explores this potential.

International silent disco demands European night train network
The world’s first international silent disco took place on the evening of October 25th 2024 across 10 European main stations demanding a night train network for the continent. People danced to music in their pyjamas at stations from Lisbon to Copenhagen .

Europe-wide frequent flying levy would raise €64bn without any cost to majority of people
Research published today analyses the feasibility and impact of a frequent flying levy in Europe. Aviation emissions would drop by 21%, mainly caused by just 5% of people flying less. 90 organisations and 47 academics have signed a public statement also released...

No to prolonging the EU jet fuel tax exemption
The EU is currently discussing a 20-year prolongation of jet fuel tax exemption, proposed by the Orban EU presidency

New International Day for the Ban on Night Flights at Airports
PRESS CONTACT: Magdalena Heuwieser, +43670 353 43 11, press@stay-grounded.org 130 initiatives from 15 countries have declared September 13th as the "International Day for the Ban on Night Flights at Airports". The declaration signed by the initiatives states:...