Engage in the Network

You can engage in our network in many different ways:


Sign our Position Paper


Become a Volunteer


Find a Local Group


Join as an Individual


Join as a Member Organisation

Sign our Position Paper

Please discuss this position paper with your group or organisation, and sign in support, or also join our network and get involved.

Business as usual is not an option. We therefore stand for the following 13 steps to transform transport, society and the economy to be just and environmentally sound.

Volunteer for Stay Grounded

The SG campaign team and SG members are eager to work with you to reduce aviation! Small or bigger, one-time or recurring tasks, from translation to graphic design, giving workshops and being creative – you choose!

Are you knowledgeable about aviation issues and want to work on content in our working groups? They cover topics ranging from greenwashing to tourism and just transition.

Find a Member Group in Your Region

To get active for a reduction of aviation and for a just transport system, join a group or campaign in your community. Use the map below to find a group near you. Get in touch and join them. If you can’t find a group in your area, it might be time to start one yourself!

Join the Network as Individual Member

As an individual member,

  • You can participate in our consensus-based decision making and in our activities (network meetings, actions, publications, etc.).
  • You help us spread our position paper. For example, we would love for you to share it on your social media!
  • You try your best to work towards the vision presented in the paper.
  • You receive a report on the network’s activities at least once a year.
  • You can encourage further individuals, organisations or groups to join the network!

Sign up here to become an individual member:

Join the Network as a Member Organisation

We want to build a strong movement and involve more and more stakeholders to become active supporters of our position, to change the public discourse around aviation and to create political pressure. Join our more than 200 member initiatives! Individuals are also invited to get involved in different ways.


Being a member group or organisation means:

  • You are part of our Stay Grounded e-mail list and provide an active spokesperson. We expect list members to share all significant information and report back to their groups.
  • You’re invited to participate in our consensus-based decision making and in our activities (network meetings, actions, etc.)
  • You help us spread our position paper, make it visible on your website and try your best to work towards the vision presented in the paper
  • Your organisation’s logo is included in our “members” section of the website, as well as a link to your website.
  • You support the network with a financial contribution (Purpose: Member C.) – depending on your financial situation this might be 20-100€ or more a year, or nothing – to help cover overhead costs, such as network meetings and coordination.
  • You actively encourage further organisations/groups etc. to join
  • You receive a yearly report that informs members of the network’s activities.

Sign up here to join as a member organisation:

Stay in the Loop

Sign up to our newsletter

Sign up to our bi-monthly newsletter and we will keep you updated on ways to take action to reduce air traffic and build a climate-just transport system.
