Webinar: Grounding travel policies of organisations

Image Courtesy: Mish Sukharev, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic | Flickr
July 2, 4-6 pm CEST
Please register via this link.
Work-related air travel – like air travel in general – has been on the rise for decades. Even if we are aware of the negative climate impact of flying, it is hard to insist on using only grounded means of transport, if rules, expectations, and time constraints at work put pressure on us to use a plane. Therefore it is important to change the travel policies of the organisations we are part of so it becomes easier for us and more accepted to stay grounded also for work. The corona crisis has shown us that it is much easier than expected to replace plane trips by meeting online. This is a valuable experience that we can build on – to avoid that as soon as travel restrictions are gone, everything goes back to business as usual.
Let’s make good use of the time we have left before this happens and put our organisations – universities, companies, NGOs and other institutions – on a climate friendly course.
This webinar is a good place to start if you are looking for inspirations on how to get there. In this webinar, we will look into concrete measures to reduce air travel that are available to organisations.
- Jens Borken-Kleefeld (Institute of Applied Systems Analysis, Zeroing Flying) will give an overview of available measures
- Kårstein Måseide and Maarten Ipers will share their experience implementing sustainable travel policies at the University Bergen and the Vrije Universiteit Brussels
- Rosa Hofgartner will introduce the initiative ExPlane for bottom-up initiatives at universities
To register for the webinar, please fill in this form. You will get a Zoom-link to access the webinar by mail after having registered. Registration is possible until July 2nd, 12 am (CEST).
Even though this webinar has a focus on academia, all types of organisations can benefit from the knowledge about grounded travel policies that has accumulated in this sector in the past years. You will have the possibility to ask questions and share your own experiences with this topic.