The Call for a Frequent Flying Levy

The Call for a Frequent Flying Levy

In October 2024, Stay Grounded published new research on the feasibility of a new progressive climate measure: A Frequent Flying Levy. A webinar on November 7th presented the most important findings, with inputs from Magdalena Heuwieser (Stay Grounded), Alex Chapman...
Who Greases the Wheels of Deportation Flights?

Who Greases the Wheels of Deportation Flights?

Here we present a summary of Corporate Watch’s original post from 06 Jan 2023: Air Partner and Carlson Wagonlit are the grease spinning the wheels of the UK deportation machine through the Home Office and have been organising logistics for mass-deportation flights for...
Frequent Flyer Levy: Tackling the Injustice of Flying

Frequent Flyer Levy: Tackling the Injustice of Flying

Air travel is the preserve of the global rich: recent research shows that less than 1% of the global population cause more than 50% of emissions from passenger air travel. Reducing this frequent flying behaviour in a relatively small number of people would produce a...