by Mira Kapfinger | Sep 15, 2022 | Members, Solidarity
An unbelievable ruling by the Court of Appeals has reversed the decision of the Lisbon Local Criminal Court. Last February the court acquitted Francisco Pedro, a journalist and activist of Stay Grounded member ATERRA. Pedro was initially charged after interrupting a...
by Magdalena Heuwieser | May 17, 2021 | Actions
From Inês Teles and Francisco Pedro, Aterra (member organisation Stay Grounded), originally posted on Movement Hub. The Portuguese government and VINCI corp plan to expand Lisbon airport and build a second one on a natural reserve. In response, the ATERRA campaign...
by Michaela | Jun 3, 2019 | ATERRA
Flight attendants from ATERRA campaign were the highlight of the first day of the Air Summit, the biggest aviation event in southwestern Europe. Just like a month ago during a speech from the prime-minister, there appeared paper planes flying around and a banner which...
by Michaela | Dec 12, 2018 | ATERRA
Este domingo à tarde, juntámo-nos em Lisboa para uma ação surpresa em defesa do estuário do Tejo, contra o projeto do novo aeroporto previsto para o Montijo. Enquanto na cimeira do clima na Polónia os líderes mundiais continuam o “business as usual”, dois veleiros...