Join Transforming Tourism Initiative’s Aviation Seminars- Aviation I: Climate Change and Governance
The first seminar, Aviation I, will focus on limitations in international air transport regulation. Specific attention is given to the climate change impacts of the aviation industry and which governance responses are necessary to address them on international, national and municipality level.
Please register to the seminar here: https://ewde.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5YtfuiurjkoH9dPp9ypHPpTjl-u_Bl6jyWO
- Daniela Subtil, Stay Grounded
- Marte van der Graaf, Transport and Environment
- Robert Fletcher, Wargeningen University and Research
The Transforming Tourism Initiative is an open global network of NGOs, tourism practitioners, and academia that demands a transformation of tourism in line with the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development.