Network to counter aviation – for a just mobility system

Training on Aviation and Climate Justice in German

Join our online training with six modules in March/April 2025.

Action Toolkit to Counter Aviation

Find out about tools and tips for planning high impact actions with a wide variety of tactics.

A Frequent Flying Levy in Europe

It is high time for a frequent flying levy! Find out more in our study.

Capping airports

An analysis of the Schiphol Airport campaign

Oil Kills

Global uprising grounds flights, demands end to fossil fuels.

Aviation is a Health Issue

Facts, literature, and key solutions for reducing aviation’s noise and pollution

Green Flying is an Illusion

Read more in our fact sheet series about what the aviation industry tells us compared to the reality of so-called technical solutions and offsets.

Let's ban private jets!

Find flyers, infographics, Q&A, sharepics and other resources.

Stop Airline Advertising and Greenwashing

Join the international movement to ban airline advertising

Common Destination

Guide on reframing aviation to ensure a safe landing and lay the tracks towards a fair planet

Stay Grounded is a global network of more than 200 member organisations

Among them local airport opposition and climate justice groups, NGOs, trade unions, initiatives fostering alternatives to aviation like night trains, and organisations supporting communities which struggle against offset or so called SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuels) projects. Also individual activists, academics, trade unionists and interested people can contribute to the network.

Explore our work ↘︎

Take a look at our campaigns, activities and topics

Our Publications ↘︎

We publish reports, fact sheets and studies around aviation and climate justice.

News & Blog ↘︎

News and articles about aviation from the network.

Our Events ↘︎

Webinars, Conferences and other events from the network.

The Network

Connecting more than 200 members globally.

Stay Grounded Newsletter

Get started — Join here

Flying is the fastest way to fry the planet. The Stay Grounded network works on a global level to reduce air traffic and build a climate-just transport system. Sign up to our monthly newsletter and we will keep you updated on ways take action for a just and safe world.

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Information on Aviation

Aviation is the most unjust and unsustainable form of transport.
Find out why here.

News & Blog

2024: Year Review

2024: Year Review

This year the Stay Grounded Network took on everything from frequent flying to the industry's growing obsession with so-called "SAF". This is a - by no means comprehensive - attempt to give an overview of the activities and achievements of our 207 member initiatives,...

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