Join the Movement

There are many different ways to join our movement for a truly sustainable mobility system! From becoming a member, volunteering, getting support for your actions, joining a communication training, supporting our campaigns or staying on the ground in leisure and work time.


Engage in our network

Take part in our network as an organisation or an individual or join a local member group!

Volunteer for Stay Grounded

The SG campaign team and SG members are eager to work with you to reduce aviation! Small or bigger, one-time or recurring tasks, from translation to graphic design, giving workshops and being creative – you choose!

Support our current campaigns

Find out about our current campaigns and support them!

Get support
for your action!

Politicians will continue to bury their head in the sand, if we don’t pull on their tails.

More and more Indigenous Peoples, local communities, climate justice groups and civil initiatives around the world are countering airport projects and aviation. They defend, demonstrate, organise creative interventions, do flash mobs and direct actions – join them and show that people can take matters into their own hands!

Ground your Organisation

The SG campaign team and SG members are eager to work with you to reduce aviation! Small or bigger, one-time or recurring tasks, from translation to graphic design, giving workshops and being creative – you choose!

Travel differently

There are many possibilities to enjoy grounded travel! Find out how.