In July activists in Ibiza carried out a week-long series of actions against luxury emissions and the 1% who cause them.
“We are glued to a private jet at Ibiza airport because we are really terrified of the consequences of the climate crisis”. This is what Bilbo, an activist from Futuro Vegetal, said to camera during an action that took place during a week of actions in Ibiza.
Four activists from Futuro Vegetal and Extinction Rebellion stormed the runway of Ibiza airport on Friday 14 July, in the area where private jets take off. They sprayed a private jet with paint and glued themselves to it. The activists were detained all morning in the airport police station, and are under investigation for crimes of damage and public disorder.
This latest action at Ibiza airport is part of the campaign ‘Jets and yachts, the party’s over’ by Extinction Rebellion Ibiza, with different action every day over a week in several symbolic places on the island to denounce the lifestyle of the 1% of the population whose luxury emissions are destroying the planet.
The week of actions also saw them paint the hull of a megayacht in an Ibiza port that belonged to one of the world’s richest women, Nancy Walton, a Walmart heiress.
Activists paint the hull of a megayacht in an Ibiza port to protest luxury emissions
As Futuro Vegetal explain on their social media accounts: “The only reason we continue to maintain an economic system that leads us to eco-social collapse is to sustain the privileges of this small privileged class.”
The activity of private jets has increased considerably in the Balearic Islands in recent years, with the airports of Ibiza and Palma being the busiest airports in Spain during the months of July and August. These two airports were also the busiest two Spanish airports for private jet traffic in 2022, with 7,932 private jet flights recorded at Palma across the year and 6,606 at Ibiza.
Prior to this action in November, as part of the global campaign Make Them Pay, in conjunction with Stay Grounded, members of Scientist Rebellion and Extinction Rebellion staged a theatre performance in the restricted private jet area of Ibiza airport with banners reading ‘Stop Private Jets’.