Red Lines for Aviation Bailouts
Newsletter >> Open Letter >> Organisations >> Scientists >> Petition
In good times, airlines make huge private revenues and profit from the tax privileges of aviation. In times of crisis they want to get public money to save their business. We cannot allow the privatisation of profits, and the generalisation of losses. This campaign, led by the Stay Grounded network and members in many countries, and supported by hundreds of organisations and scientists, has one central aim: Bailouts must not allow the aviation sector to return to business as usual after Covid-19 has been defeated.
Any public money has to ensure that workers and the climate are put first.
We demand:
1. People first
2. A just transition: towards a climate-safe mobility
3. No taxes? No bailouts!
Open letter to the respective National governments:
Red Lines for Aviation Bailouts

In the middle of the ongoing Corona crisis, while the world struggles against the virus and countless workers are losing their incomes, the aviation industry is demanding huge and unconditional taxpayer-backed bailouts. Yet, in recent years, the industry strongly opposed any attempts to end its unfair tax exemptions and refused to contribute meaningfully to global emission reduction goals – which would require measures to significantly reduce the scale of aviation.
Not only is aviation already responsible for 5-8% of global climate impact, mostly caused by a wealthy minority of frequent flyers, but the sector also assumes that it can continue growing. Enormous profits were made in the last decades, off the backs of low-paid workers and to the detriment of the climate.
Workers affected by the current crisis need support, but we shouldn’t let the aviation industry get away with privatising profit while the public pays for its losses. Without addressing the structural problems that have left our societies and economies so vulnerable to crises like this one, we will be even more vulnerable to the next ones as inequalities between and within countries continue to grow and the ecological and climate emergencies worsen.
Bailouts must not allow the aviation sector to return to business as usual after Covid-19 has been defeated: any public money has to ensure that workers and the climate are put first.
We demand:
1. People First
Instead of bailing-out executives and shareholders, any financial assistance should make sure that workers are supported with strong labour and health protections, and a real living basic income during the crisis is provided for flight attendants, pilots, ground-staff, caterers and other impacted workers.
2. A Just Transition: Towards Climate-Safe Mobility
A condition for public support must be that the aviation industry aligns with a 1.5 °C trajectory. The emission reductions must be absolute and not employ dubious accounting mechanisms, such as offsets, nor rely on biofuels that harm the environment, food security and land rights. Since “green flying” is an illusion, air travel must be reduced. For a just recovery, democratic decision-making and public ownership are decisive. Governments must support a just transition: system-wide changes to transport networks, ensuring access to affordable alternatives (such as rail travel) and enabling workers to move away from fossil-fuel dependent jobs and into decent climate jobs.
3. No Taxes? No Bailouts!
It is not fair to save the aviation industry with taxpayers’ money if it pays almost no taxes, giving it an unfair advantage over lower emission modes of transport. Tax exemptions therefore must be stopped: airlines must be obliged to pay a tax on kerosene; and instead of Air Miles programmes which incentivise air travel, fair and progressive levies on frequent flying must be put in place.
It is important to use the current unintended pause in aviation for building a climate-safe transport sector and creating resilience for future crises.
348 Organisations
Endorsing Organisations
Stay Grounded (International), Am Boden bleiben (DE), Aterra (PT), Bevar Jordforbindelsen (DK), Biofuelwatch (UK), Coordinadora de Pueblos y Organizaciones del Oriente del Estado de México en Defensa de la Tierra, el Agua y su Cultura (MX), Ecologistas en Acción (ES), Fairosene (EU), Flight Free Australia, PCS Public and Commercial Services Union (UK), Réseau Action Climat (FR), Schipholwatch (NL), Umverkehr (CH), Possible (UK), WEIT (DE), Zomer Zonder Vliegen (BE), Natuur en Milieu (NL)
22grados (ES), 2degrees artivism (PT), 350 Climate Movement of Denmark (DK), 350 Seattle (US), Academic #flyingless initiative (US), ACAPACC (FR), Acción Clima Pamplona-Iruñea (ES), act for transformation, gem. eG (GE), Action non-violente COP21 (FR), ActionAid Ireland (IE), ADRA – Protection Association of the Residents of Basel-Mulhouse Airport (FR), ADVOCNAR (FR), Agir pour l’Environnement (FR), Aktionsbündnis AufgeMUCkt (GE), Alliance of Lithuanian Consumer Organizations (LT), alofa tuvalu (FR), Alternatiba (FR), Amigos de la Tierra España (ES), Amics de la Terra Mallorca (ES), Angligreen (AU), Antifluglärmgemeinschaft AFLG (AT), Arbeid & Milieu vzw (BE), ARRCC (Australian Religious Response to Climate Change) (AU), Asamblea antimilitarista de Madrid (ES), Asamblea Ciclista Bahía de Cádiz (ES), Asamblea ciclista de valladolid (ES), Assemblea ecologista UAB (ES), ASEED (NL), Asociación de Naturalistas Conquenses (ES), Asociación Vecinal Guadalquivir del Campo de la Verdad (ES), Associació de Veïnes i Veïns del Clot-Camp de l’Arpa (ES), Association de Défense de la Gare d’Assier et d Promotion du Rail (FR), Asturies Pol Clima (ES), ATECOPOL – Atelier d’Ecologie Politique Toulousain (FR), Atelier équithés (FR), Attac Austria (AT), Attac ESPAÑA (ES), Attac France (FR), Attac Germany (GE), ausgeco2hlt (GE), Back-on-Track (EU), BBI Bündnis der Bürgerinitiativen (GE), Beraad Vlieghinder Moet Minder BVM2 (NL), Bewegungsakademie e.V. (GE), BI Liesing gegen Fluglärm und gegen die 3. Piste (AT), BI Laermschutz Laaerberg Wien (AT), BI Liesing (AT), BI-Niederrad (GE), BI-Niederrad (GE), Bikab Enzersdorf/Fischa (AT), BILEF (AT), BILEF Enzersdorf (AT), Biomimicry Germany (GE), Birmingham Friends of the Earth (UK), Bizi! (FR), BiziLagunEkin (ES), Block Bayer (GE), BOKU-Centre for Global Change and Sustainability (AT), Bonn im Wandel e.V. (GE), BP or not BP? (UK), Breaking the Ice (GE), BUND (GE), BUNDjugend / Young Friends of the Earth Germany (GE), Bürgerinitiative Lautstark gegen Fluglärm (AT), Bürgerinitiative Rüsselsheim für volle Nachtruhe und gegen Flughafenerweiterung (GE), Bürgerverein Freising e.V. (GE), CAAL Comitato Antirumore Aeroporto Linate (IT), Campaign against Climate Change (UK), Campo Aberto – associação de defesa do ambiente (PT), Can Masdeu – Associació del Punt d’Interacció de Collserola (ES), Carbon Market Watch (Intern.), Casa da Horta (PT), Center for Biological Diversity (US), Centre for Climate Safety (AU), Centre for Sustainable Healthcare (UK), CGT Región de Murcia (ES), Christian Climate Action Switzerland (CH), CIDES Málaga-España (ES), Climacció (ES), Climate Strike Switzerland (CH), Climáximo (PT), Club de debates urbanos (ES), Colectivo-Asamblea contra la Turistización de Sevilla (ES), COCOMPAER – Bologna (COmitato per la COMpatibilità AERoporto-città di Bologna) (IT), Collectif Non au T4 (FR), Comitato per la Riduzione dell’impatto ambientale dell’aeroporto di Treviso (IT), Comitato Riduzione Impatto Ambientale Aeroporto di Ciampino (CRIAAC) (IT), CommunityAIR (CA), Compañia de las 3 Rs (ES), Coordinación contra el empobrecimiento, la precariedad y la exclusión, Baladre (ES), Convivir en lo viejo/Alde Zaharrean Bizi (ES), Coordinadora de ONGD de España (ES), Coordinadora El Rincón-Ecologistas en Acción (ES), CoResist (UK), Dachverband unabhängiger BI gegen den bau der 3.Piste am VIE (AT), Darebin Climate Action Now (AU), De fire grønne løsgængere, Parlament of Denmark (DK), De Groene Locomotief (BE), Degrowth.info (Inter.), Degrowth Vienna – Verein zur Förderung der Degrowth-Bewegung (AT), Delfshaven Cooperatie (NL), Doctors for Climate (BE), Dreikönigsaktion der Kath. Jungschar DKA (AT), Dutch Footprint Group (NL), Earthbeat Solutions Foundation (CH), ECOAR Global (ES), Ecologistas en Acción – La Rioja (ES), Ecologistas en acción Ciudad de Málaga (ES), ECOMUNIDADES-Red Ecologista Autónoma de la Cuenca de México (MX), EDGE Funders Alliance (Intern.), Eetbaar Amsterdam (NL), Eine-Welt-Forum Münster e.V. (GE), Ende Gelände Aachen (GE), Enseignant.e.s Pour la Planète (FR), EQUO Cantabria (ES), ES pioniert! (GE), European Environmental Bureau (EU), European Rail Campaign (UK), everyday.earth (FR), Explane Berlin (GE), Extinction Rebellion Austria (AT), Extinction Rebellion Barcelona (ES), Extinction Rebellion Bonn (GE), Extinction Rebellion Edinburgh (UK), Extinction Rebellion Hannover (GE), Extinction Rebellion Heidelberg (GE), Extinction Rebellion Lisboa (PT), Extinction Rebellion Lüneburg (GE), Extinction Rebellion Magdeburg (GE), Extinction Rebellion Mainz (GE), Extinction Rebellion Marburg (GE), Extinction Rebellion Pamplona – Iruñea (ES), Extinction Rebellion Switzerland (CH), Extinction Rebellion UK (UK), Extinction Rebellion Zug (CH), Fabricants de Futur (ES), Feasta: the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability (IR), Federación Ben Magec Canaria – Ecologistas en Acción (ES), Féderacion Nacional de energias renovables (CO), Fern (BE), Flight Free UK, Flight Free USA, Flüge reduzieren (AT), Flugstreik (CH), Flylarm Arlanda (SE), FNAUT (FR), Foodsharing Münster e.V. (GE), For Future Buergewald (GE), Forum Ökologie & Papier (GE), Forum Solidarische Ökonomie (GE), Fossil Free London (UK), Framtiden i våre hender (NO), Friday Sydney Refugee Rights Demonstration Group (AU), Fridays For Future Alacant (ES), Fridays For Future Alcorisa (ES), Fridays For Future Donostia (ES), Fridays For Future Köln (GE), Fridays for Future Landau (GE), Fridays For Future Pamplona (ES), Fridays For Future Sevilla (ES), Fridays For Future Österreich (AT), Friends of the Earth Heidelberg (GE), Friends of the Earth International, Friends of the Earth, Sweden (SE), FUNcener (CO), Fundació ENT (ES), Fundación Renovables (ES), GAIA – Grupo de Acção e Intervenção Ambiental (PT), Gartensiedlung am alten Berg (AT), Gastivists Berlin (GE), geen-vliegreizen.nl (NL), Gegenflieger (AT), Gemeinsam gegen Fluglärm und Schadstoffe e. V. (GE), Generation Earth (AT), Genethica (NL), gerechte1komma5 (GE), GgFS e.V. (GE), GLOBAL 2000 (AT), Global Anti-Aerotropolis Movement (UK), Global Ecosocialist Network, Global Forest Coalition (NL), GOB Mallorca (ES), Goodwin Translation Bureau (JP), Greenpeace (Intern.), Greve Climática Estudantil (PT), Groene Locomotief (AT), Grootouders voor het Klimaat Grandparents for the Climate (BE), Grow Heathrow (UK), Grüne Lunge Frankfurt (GE), Guerrilla Foundation (GE), Hnutí DUHA – Friends of the Earth Czech Republic (CZ), ICTA UAB (ES), Ignorance Unlimited (CH), Ingeniería Sin Fronteras (ES), Initiative Psychologie im Umweltschutz (CH), Initiative Klima-, Umwelt- und Lärmschutz im Luftverkehr e.V. (GE), Initiative Maintal gegen Fluglärm (GE), Institute for Ecological Economics (AT), International Climate-Safe Travel Institute (ICSTI) (NZ), Intersindical Valenciana (ES), Iruñea Ciudad de Acogida / Iruñea Harrera Hiria (ES), Journal Moins! (CH), JunepA – Junges Netzwerk für politische Aktionen (GE), K2 – Interventionistische Linke (GE), Kartoffelkombinat – der Verein e.V. (GE), KAT Klima Aktion Thüringen (GE), Klimabündnis Tirol (AT), klima*kollektiv (GE), Klimacamp (AT), Klimakollektiv Heidelberg (GE), Klimaneustart Berlin (GE), Klimaschutz-Jetzt! (GE), KLUG Koalition Luftverkehr Umwelt und Gesundheit (CH), La Transicionera (ES), Land Over Landings (CA), Landelijk Burgerberaad Luchtvaart (LBBL) (NL), Lärmschutz Großgemeinde Groß-Enzersdorf (AT), Leave it in the Ground Initiative (LINGO) (GE), Les ragondins libertaires (FR), Linkswende jetzt (AT), Living with the Earth (NL), Madres por el Clima (ES), Madres por el Clima Cantabria (ES), Magical whispers (GE), Mannig Consulting (GE), MASA Institute UG (GE), Miljøorganisationen VedvarendeEnergi (DK), Morar Em Lisboa (PT), Mouvement Ecologique (FoE Lux) (LU), Movimento per la Decrescita Felice (IT), Naturefriends International, Natuur en Milieufederatie Noord-Holland (NL), Naturvernforbundet / Friends of the Earth Norway (NO), Netzwerk Ökosozialismus (GE), Nieuw Water (NL), NOAH – Frends of the Earth Denmark (DK), NORA Concept (FR), Notre Affaire à Tous (FR), Observatori DESC (ES), ÖFSE (AT), Ökovernetzung (AT), On est prêt (FR), ORS Bewoners Omgeving Schiphol (NL), Ośrodek Działań Ekologicznych “Źródła” (PL), Oui au train de nuit (FR), Our Climate Declaration (OCD) (NZ), Parents For Future (GE), Parents for Future Klosterneuburg (AT), Parents of Future Köln (GE), Parents For Future Österreich (AT), Parents For Future Vienna (AT), Parents For Future Portugal (PT), Pas d’Avions à L’Hôpital Toulouse Purpan (FR), Pioneers of Change (AT), Plane Stupid (UK), Plataforma por un Nuevo Modelo Energético (ES), Platform Duurzame en Solidaire Economie (NL), Platforma Zajedničko (RS), Postgraduate course on Local Agroeocological Dinamization (UAB) (ES), Protect our Winters (AT), Rådet for Bæredygtig Trafik (DK), Reclaim the Power (UK), Rede para o Decrescimento (PT), Research & Degrowth (ES), Réseau Foi & Justice Afrique Europe Antennne France (FR), Résistance Climatique (FR), Robin Hood Tax Campaign (UK), ROBIN WOOD e.V. (GE), Salmorejo Rebelde (ES), Sand im Getriebe (GE), save our seeds (GE), Schutzgemeinschaft Fluglaerm Dortmund – Kr. Unna e.V. (SGF). (GE), Schöne Städte (GE), SciencesPo Zero Fossile (FR), Scientists for Future (ES), Senior Expert Systems (GE), SETEM Catalunya (ES), Sindicato de Enseñanza de Madrid CGT (ES), Solidaridad Internacional Andalucía (ES), S.W.Essex Fight the Flights (UK), Steady State Manchester (UK), stichting K-ETEN (NL), stichting Ka (NL), Stop Fluglärm (AT), Stop Groei Vliegverkeer (NL), Students for Future Germany (GE), Sumaconcausa (ES), SUNY Plattsburgh (US), System Change, not Climate Change! (AT), TaCa (Agir pour le climat) (FR), Terraferida (ES), Terran e.V. (GE), The Zephyr Society of Lake Simcoe (CA), Time to Cycle (UK), Totnes REconomy Project (UK), ToxicFree Suisse (CH), Transductores (ES), Transition-Büro Lychen (GE), Transition Graz (AT), Troja Scenkonst (SE), Umanotera (SI), united4earth (FR), Uzès Unis Pour le Climat (FR), VCS Verkehrs-Club der Schweiz (CH), Verein für Energie-Autarkie (AT), Vereinigung der Fluglärmbetroffenen in Wien, Niederösterreich und Burgenland (AT), Vereniging Milieudefensie (NL), Vredesactie (BE), vzw Climaxi (BE), Wandelwerk e.V. (GE), Werkgroep Red Relderland (NL), We Stay on the Ground (SE), Werkgroep Toekomst Luchtvaart (WTL) (NL), WILOO vzw (BE), World Heritage Watch (GE), XR Gipuzkoa (ES), XR Pays Basque (FR), Yayoflautas Madrid (ES), YouthForClimate Alsace (FR), ZERO-Associação Sistema Terrestre Sustentável (PT), Zero Waste France (FR), ~ le mouvement (FR)
Not on this list yet?
More than 300 Scientists and Experts support these demands:
David Barkin, Prof., Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico City, MX | Ulrich Brand, Prof., University of Vienna, AT | Marisol de la Cadena, Prof., University of California, Davis, US | Arturo Escobar, Prof. em., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, US | Gustavo Esteva, Universidad de la Tierra, Oaxaca, MX | Lorenzo Fioramonti, Prof., University of Pretoria, ZA | Stefan Gössling, Prof., Lund University, SE | Ian Gough, Prof., London School of Economics, UK | Jason Hickel, Dr., Goldsmiths, University of London, UK | Giorgos Kallis, Prof., ICTA-UAB, SP | Ashish Kothari Kalpavriksh, IN | Helga Kromp-Kolb, Prof. em., University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, AT | Edgardo Lander, Prof., Venezuelan Central University, Caracas, VE | Emanuele Leonardi, Prof., University of Parma, IT | Anitra Nelson, Prof., RMIT, Melbourne, AU | Daniel O’Neill, Dr., University of Leeds, UK | Paul Peeters, Prof., Breda University of Applied Sciences, NL | Inge Røpke, Prof., Aalborg University, Copenhagen, DK | Ariel Salleh, Prof., University of Sydney, AU | Clive Spash, Prof., University of Economics and Business, Vienna, AT | Julia K. Steinberger, Prof., University of Leeds, UK | Dimitris Stevis, Prof., Colorado State University/AAUP, Fort Collins, US | Marjolein Vanoppen, Dr., Ghent University, DE | Svenja Wilhelm, Dipl.-Psych., Institut für Verhaltenstherapieausbildung, Hamburg, DE | Michalis Psimitis, Prof., University of the Aegean, Lesvos, GR | Gertrude Saxinger, Dr., ATn Polar Research Institute (APRI), AT | Torsten Krause, Senior Lecturer, Lund University, SE | Nathalie Ortar, Researcher, ENTPE-University of Lyon, FR | Jens Niederhausen, Dr., Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, DE | Eija Meriläinen, Dr., Hanken School of Economics, FI | Werner Zollitsch, Prof., BOKU-University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, AT | Eric Vilquin, Prof., UCLouvain, BE | Quan Le, Dr., Gent, BE | Wim Carton, Dr., Lund University, SE | Patrick Bond, Prof., University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, ZA | Maxime Combes, Economist, Attac FR | Meri Löyttyniemi, Senior Advisor, Aalto University, Espoo, FI | Pascal Lesage, Reseacher, Polytechnique Montréal, CA | Lukas Hardt, Mr, University of Leeds, UK | Antti Ruotoistenmäki, Dr., FI | Miki Barnes, LCSW, Oregon Aviation Watch, US | Hubert Buch-Hansen, Associate Prof., Copenhagen Business School, DK | Christopher Shaw, Dr., Climate Outreach, Oxford, UK | Bruno Kern, Dr., Netzwerk Ökosozialismus, DE | Joachim H. Spangenberg, Dr., Sustainable Europe Research Institute SERI, DE | Dennis Eversberg, Dr., University of Jena, DE | Hinaki Barcena Hinoal, Dr., CENSE, FCT NOVA, Lisbon, PT | Rosa van Kesteren, Dr, Coventry University, UK | Steffen Lange, Dr., Institute for Ecological Economy Research, DE | Emily Judson, Researcher, University of Exeter, UK | Roger Tyers, Dr., University of Southampton, UK | Pierre Ozer, Associate Prof., University of Liège, BE | Max Koch, Prof., Lund University, SE | Wolfgang Kromp, Prof., University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Center for Global Change and Sustainability, Vienna, AT | Lucie Middlemiss, Dr., University of Leeds, UK | Anthony Fee, Dr., University of Technology Sydney, AU | Thomas MoorePuerto Maldonado, PE | Samuel Bodé, Dr., ISOTOPE BIOSCIENCE LABORATORY (ISOFYS), Ghent University, BE | Timmo Krüger, Dr., Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space, Erkner, DE | Stephen, Dean, SUNY Plattsburgh/Branch Campus, Queensbury, US | Claire Dupont, Assistant Professor, Ghent University, Ghent, BE | Marion Rivalan, Dr., Charité University, Belrin, DE | Julie Hermesse, Prof., Université catholique de Louvain, BE | Caroline Mullen, Dr., Leeds University, UK | Gil Penha-Lopes, PhD, University of Lisbon, PT | Martina Schäfer, Prof., Zentrum Technik und Gesellschaft, Technische Universität Berlin, DE | Frederik De Roeck, Dr., Ghent University, BE | Gerdi Seidl, Dr., Instituto de Educacion Superior Moxviquil, Chiapas, MX | Holger Lischke, Dr., TU Berlin, Berlin, DE | Craig Johnson, Senior Technical Officer, University of New England, Armidale NSW, AU | Vasna Ramasar, Dr., Lund University, SE | Gert-Jan Vanaken, Dr., KU Leuven, BE | Irina Marsh, Associate Prof., SNSPA Bucharest, RO | Line Valdorff Madsen, Dr., Aalborg University, Copenhagen, DK | Nicholas Butler, Associate Prof., Stockholm University, SE | Carl Salk, Researcher, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp, SE | Dr. Richard J. White, Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University, UK | Irmi Seidl, Prof., Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, CH | Christoph Rosol, Dr., Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, DE | Andy Lockhart, Dr., University of Sheffield, UK | Ebba Brink, Dr., Lund University, SE | Wolf-Julian Neumann, Prof., Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, DE | Jonas Nielsen, Prof., Humboldt University Berlin, DE | Patrick Scherhaufer, Dr., University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, AT | Pascale Vielle, Prof., UCLouvain, BE | Chitra R, Dr., Azim Premji University, Bangalore, IN | Ester Barinaga, Prof., Lund University, SE | Blanka Sperner, Dr., TU Bergakademie Freiberg, DE | Lidija Živčič, Dr., Focus, Ljubljana, SI | Katrin Grossmann, Prof., University of Applied Science Erfurt, DE | Bas van Vliet, Dr, Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, NL | Lars Kjerulf Petersen, Researcher, Aarhus University, Roskilde, DK | Marta Conde, Dr., Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, SP | Koenraad Bogaert, Assistant Professor, Ghent University, Ghent, BE | Florian Mathies, Dr., Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH, Berlin, DE | Jan Orbie, Prof., Ghent University, BE | Giulio Mattioli, Dr., Dortmund University, DE | Frans Libertson, Dr., Lund University, SE | Jonas Sonnenschein, PhD, Umanotera, Ljubljana, SI | Dawid Friedrich, Prof., Leuphana University Lüneburg, DE | Felix Riede, Professor, Aarhus University, DK | Anaïs Tilquin, Dr., ETH Zürich, CH | Jessika Luth Richter, Dr., IIIEE, Lund University, SE | Stef Craps, Prof., Ghent University, BE | Jānis Daugavietis, Dr., University of LV, Rīga, LV | Sophie Huysveld, Dr., University of Ghent, BE | Uwe Vormbusch, Prof., Fernuniversität Hagen, Hagen, DE | Matthias Kranke, Dr., University of Kassel, DE | Joseba Azkarraga Etxagibel, Dr., University of the Basque Country, SP | Daniel Rutte, Dr., Universität Bonn, DE | Catherine Grant, Dr., Griffith University, Brisbane, AU | György Pataki, Dr., ESSRG, Budapest, HU | Nikolaus Froitzheim, Prof., Universität Bonn, Bonn, DE | Michel Pimbert, Prof., Coventry University, UK | Tilman Hartley, Dr, Autonomous University of Barcelona, SP | Larry LohmannUK | Alejandra Orozco, Dr., Ontario, CA | Thomas Barth, Dr., LMU Munich, DE | S. Mechernich, Dr., Federal Institute of Hydrology, Koblenz, DE | Jess Britton`, Dr., University of Exeter, UK | Emma Burnett, Dr., Centre for Agroecology and Water Resilience, Coventry University, UK | Chris Maughan, Dr., Centre for Agroecology Water and Resilience, Coventry University, UK | Richard Carmichael, Dr., Imperial College London, UK | Katy Roelich, Associate Prof., University of Leeds, UK | Boldizsár Megyesi, Dr., Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, HU | Yuri Kazepov, Prof., University of Vienna, AT | Veronika Kiss, PhD candidate, Corvinus University of Budapest, HU | Friederike Habermann, Dr., DE | Elise Wach, Dr., Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK | Stefania Barca, Prof., Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, PT | Meri Jalonen, Prof., Aalto University, FI | Herbert Formayer, Associate Prof., Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien, AT | Stefano Longo, Ph.D., North Carolina State University, US | Laurence Cox, Dr., National University of IEd Maynooth, IEd | Katharina Wieland, Dr., Humboldt-Universität Berlin, DE | Henner Busch, Dr., Lund University, SE | Mazzocchetti Jacinthe, Prof., Université de Louvain, BE | Sara Mingorria, Dr., Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SP | Stefanie Hürtgen, Associate Prof., University of Salzburg, AT | Ana Sobral, Prof., Zurich University, Zurich, CH | Olivier Servais, Prof., UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, BE | Sarah Murru, PhD, University of Louvain, BE | Sam Harrison, Dr., UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Lancaster, UK | Reinhard Steurer, Associate Prof., University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, AT | Janet Conway, Prof., Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, CA | Emanuele Leonardi, Prof., University of Parma, IT | Brigitte Fuchs, Dr., University of Vienna, Department f. Int. Development, AT | Thomas Vogt, Dr., Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, DE | Christian Brand, Prof., University of Oxford, Oxford, UK | Maréchal Brigitte, Prof., CISMOC/IACCHOS, UCLouvain, BE | Eeva Houtbeckers, Dr., Aalto University, Helsinki, FI | Nina I. Moeller, Dr., Coventry University, UK | Nikoleta Jones, Dr, University of Cambridge, UK | Filka Sekulova, Dr., Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, SP | Jacob Hörisch, Prof., Leuphana University of Lüneburg, DE | Dumont Robin, Researcher, UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, BE | Juan Crespo, Dr., Universidad del País Vasco, SP/EC | Jennifer Sanger, Dr., University of Tasmania, AU | Christoph Görg, Prof., University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, AT | Françoise Bartiaux, Prof., Université catholique de Louvain, BE | Sylvia RamsayGriffith University, Logan, AU | Hirschl, Prof., iöw & btu, Berlin & Lausitz, DE | Quinn Slobodian, Associate Prof., Wellesley College, Wellesley, US | Astrid Rasch, Dr., Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO | Georg Fischer, Associate Prof., Aarhus University, DK | Matthias Barth, Prof., Leuphana University, DE | Matthias Weyland, Researcher, Umweltbundesamt (UBA), DE | Claudio Cattaneo, Prof., Autonomous University of Barcelona, SP | Elisabeth Volckrick, Prof., UCL BE | Jean-Michel Hupé, Researcher, CNRS, Toulouse, FR | Kristof Cuadros, Founder Climate Response, Climate Response, BE | Jasmin Jossin, Dr., German Institute of Urban Affairs, DE | Anders Blok, Associate Prof., University of Copenhagen, DK | Martin Rolfs, Prof., Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, DE | Calum Harvey-Scholes, Research Associate, University of Exeter, UK | Sonja Swift, Executive Director, Swift Foundation, US | Thomas Wallgren, Prof., University of Helsinki, FI | Professor Michel Pimbert, Prof., Coventry University, UK | Hans Eickhoff, PhD, iCBR, University of Coimbra, PT | Milos Mladenovic, Assistant Prof., Aalto Univeristy, FI | Meri Lundahl, Dr., Aalto University | David Sanjuan Delmás, PhD, Ghent University, Ghent, BE | Helena Sustar, Dr., Aalto University, FI | Karin Schwiter, PD Dr., University of Zurich, CH | Ana Maria Peredo, Prof., University of Victoria, CA | Paul Chatterton, Prof., University of Leeds, UK | Viriato Soromenho-Marques, Prof., University of Lisbon, PT | Toms Ķencis, Researcher, University of LV, LV | Jonas Gienger, Dr., Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Berlin, DE | Martin Fritz, Dr., Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, DE | Jörg Scheinfeld, Prof., JGU Mainz, DE | Jens Friis Lund, Prof., University of Copenhagen, DK | Anders Bjørn, Dr., Concordia University, CA | Marco Pütz, Dr., Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, CH | Stefanie Mayer, Associate Prof., FH Campus Wien, AT | Arianne Reis, Dr., Western Sydney University, Sydney, AU | Christine Wamsler, Prof., Lund University, SE | Jamie morgan, Prof., Leeds Beckett University, UK | Matthias Schultze-Kraft, Dr., Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, DE | Jenny Palm, Prof., Lund University, SE | Kimberly Nicholas, Associate Prof., Lund University, SE | Barbara Smetschka, Dr., University of Natural Resources & Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, AT | Thomas Smith, Dr., Environmental Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, CZ | Lina Brand Correa, Dr, University of Leeds, UK | Hammarskjoeld Simwinga, Executive Chair, Foundation for Wildlife and Habitat Conservation, ZM | Marie Verhoeven, Prof., UCLouvain, BE | Matthäus Rest, Prof., Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, DE | van Ypersele, Prof., Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, BE | Bernadette Gehl-Väisänen, PhD, Aalto University, Espoo, FI | Angelika Zahrnt, Prof., Friends of the Earth DE, DE | Klaus Obermayer, Prof., Technische Universität Berlin, DE | Beatrice Kogg, Dr., Lund University, SE | Mikko Jalas, Prof, Aalto University, FI | Sofia Getzin, Dr., University of Zurich, Zurich, CH | Pancho Ramos Stierle, Satyagrahi, Universidad de la Tierra, MX | Ana Robles-Aguilar, Dr., Ghent University, BE | Mladen Domazet, Dr., Institute for Political Ecology, Zagreb, HR | Tim Cadman, Dr., Griffith University, Nathan, AU | Annabel Smith, Dr., University of Queensland, AU | Reinhard Messerschmidt, Dr., WBGU, Berlin, DE | Christoph Metzner, Dr, Technische Universität Berlin, DE | Angelo Valleriani, Dr., Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam, DE | Daniela Del Bene, Dr., Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, SP | Stephan Lessenich, Prof., LMU Munich, DE | Christine Frison, Dr., University of Antwerp, Antwerp, BE | Tom Griffiths, Prof., OsloMet University, Oslo, NO | Henning Melber, Prof., Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, SE | Ekaterina Chertkovskaya, Dr., Lund University, SE | Van den broeck Marie, Ph.D., Uclouvain, BE | Aaron Bufe, Dr., German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), Potsdam, DE | Charlie Gardner, Dr., University of Kent, UK | Isabel Yepez del Castillo, Prof., Université Catholique de Louvain, BE | Paul Pfeiffer, MSc, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, DE | Christina Plank, Prof., University of Vienna, AT | Ellinor Isgren, Dr., Lund University, Lund, SE | Leïla Tauil, Dr, University of Geneva, CH | Mark Diesendorf, Associate Prof., UNSW Sydney, AU | Mark Keiter, Dr., Naturkunde-Museum Bielefeld, DE | Leo de Haan, Prof. em., NL | Léa Sébastien, Associate Prof., Toulouse II University, FR | Francisco Ferreira, Prof., ENSE, FCT NOVA, Lisbon, PT | Grégoire Wallenborn, Prof., Université Libre de Bruxelles, BE | Philippe Boudes, Assistant Prof., Institut Agro & ESO CNRS, Rennes, FR | Emmanuel Debruyne, Dr., UCLouvain, BE | Andre Knops, Dr., Université de Paris, FR | Alexander Paulsson, Lecturer, Lund university, SE | Andrew Fanning, Dr., University of Leeds, UK | Florence Rudolf, Prof., Insa Strasbourg, UR 7309, Strasbourg | Angela Mickley, Prof., University of Applied Sciences, Potsdam, DE | Henrike Planert, PhD, Charité University Medicine, Berlin, DE | Tammy Boyce, Dr., Cardiff University, UK | Tullia Jack, Lecturer, Malmö University, SE | Veronika Koren, Ph.D, Technical University Berlin, DE | Hugues Chenet, Researcher, University College London, UK | Josephine Chambers, Dr., Wageningen University, NL | Lauren Eastwood, Associate Prof., State University of New York, College at Plattsburgh, US | Friedrich Wulf, Dipl., Pro Natura – Friends of the Earth CH, CH | Brent Bleys, Associate Professor, Ghent University, BE | Sergio Tirado Herrero, Researcher, ICTA-UAB, SP | Elisabeth Worliczek, Dr., BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, AT | Riccardo Mastini, Researcher, Autonomous University of Barcelona, SP | Christian Zeller, Prof., University of Salzburg, AT | Bernhard Steinberger, Dr., GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, DE | Julia Martin-Ortega, Prof., University of Leeds, UK | Miklós Antal, Dr., Eötvös Loránd University, HU | Romina Rodela, Dr., Södertörn University, SE | Matthias Lievens, Assistant Prof., Institute of Philosophy, KU Leuven, BE | Manuel Tao, Researcher, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, PT | Marc Gavalda, Prof., Universidad Autonoma Barcelona, SP | Saeed Moosavioon, Dr., TU Berlin, DE | Ana Portocarrero, Associate Prof., Universidad Centroamericana, UCA-NI, NI | Thomas Ruedas, Dr., Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, DE | Christian Tötzke, Dr., University of Potsdam, Potsdam, DE | Sylvie Ferrari, Associate Prof., University of Bordeaux, FR | Joel Millward-Hopkins, Dr., University of Leeds, Leeds, UK | Emmanuel Discamps, Dr., CNRS – University Toulouse Jean Jaurès, Toulouse, FR | Bernadett Kiss, Researcher, Utsunomiya University, JP | Ester Rizzi, Prof., Universite Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, BE | Luis Mundaca, Prof., Lund University, SE | Anabela Carvalho, Prof., University of Minho, Braga, PT | Michael Lettenmeier, Dr., Aalto University, FI | Tilo Schwalger, Prof., Technical University Berlin, Berlin, DE | Manuel Lapp, Dr., Freiberg, DE | An Cliquet, Prof., Ghent University, BE | Federico Demaria, Dr., Autonomous University of Barcelona, SP | Margit Mayer, Prof., Freie Universität Berlin, DE | IÑAKI BARCENA HINOAL, Prof., University of the Basque Country, SP | Salvatore Ruggiero, Dr., Aalto University School of Business, FI | Laura Merla, Prof., UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, BE | Isabelle Ferreras, Prof., FNRS/University of Louvain (UCLouvain), BE | Milena Buchs, Associate Prof., University of Leeds, UK | Mie Plotnikof, Associate Prof., Aarhus University in Copenhagen, DK | Adrian Martin, Prof., University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK | John Cultiaux, Dr., University of Namur, BE | Aviel Verbruggen, Prof. em., University of Antwerp, BE | David BarnsUniversity of Leeds, UK | Kai Görgen, Dr., Charite Berlin, DE | Andreia Lemaître, Prof., University of Louvain, BE | Petr Daněk, Dr., Masaryk University, Brno, CZ | Wilfred Dcosta, Convenor, INn Social Action Forum, IN | Stephen Woroniecki, PhD, Nature-based Solutions Initiative, Oxford University, UK | Hans Baer, Associate Prof., University of Melbourne, AU | Matthias Schmelzer, Dr., Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, DE
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