Stop Greenwashing
Reduce Air Traffic Now!
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Petition to the UN climate convention, the International Civil Aviation Organisation, the EU Commission, EU Parliament, and national governments:
Stop Greenwashing — Reduce Air Traffic Now!

The climate and ecological emergency demands real solutions
While millions of people all over the world are fighting for their future and pushing harder for climate action, the aviation sector is redoubling its greenwashing efforts. Its lobbying campaigns spotlight improbable technological step-changes to legitimise the plan to jump back to pre-Covid growth levels.
But their promised ‘solutions’ are flawed!
Aircraft efficiency improvements, biofuels, e-fuels, hydrogen, electric flights, as well as offsetting have major obstacles and negative side effects.
Even worse: the sector has never kept its word.
Even if its promises were plausible, any meaningful climate benefit would come too late and be consumed by proposed expansion plans.
Climate science is clear about the urgency to deeply cut emissions by 2030 —
not by 2050 or even later. Communities around the globe, especially those least responsible for the climate crisis, are already affected by its impacts — any commitment to climate justice requires that we wait no longer to enact real change.
We cannot tolerate diversionary tactics! We demand real solutions to the crisis now.
With this petition we urge decision makers around the world to stop engaging in greenwashing and to instead reduce flights to a minimum. We call for a just transition, significant taxes on aviation fuel and tickets (with a focus on long haul and business class) and the shifting of short- and middle-haul flights to rail. Progressive policies such as a frequent flyer levy are available to ensure the biggest polluters pay their fair share, and do not pass the burden on to those who hardly fly at all.
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This petition is backed by the following 95 organisations:
ADERA – Protection de l’environnement – Aéroport de Beauvais-Tillé | ADVOCNAR – Association de Défense Contre les Nuisances Aériennes | AfrosRD | AGREEN | AirportWatch | Aitec | Aktionsbündnis “FMO-Ausstieg jetzt!” | Alofa Tuvalu | Alternatiba | Am Boden bleiben | Amigos da Terra Brasil | ASBEC Association qualité de vie à Bernex et Confignon | Association de Défense des Riverains de l’Aéroport de Bâle-Mulhouse | Association Climat Genève | Association noé21 | ATE Association transports et environnement | ATERRA | ATTAC France | Backbone Campaign | BAW Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein | Bay Area – System Change not Climate Change | Bevar Jordforbindelsen | Biofuelwatch | BiziLagunEkin plataforma | Bürgerinitiative gegen Fluglärm Raunheim | Campaign against Climate Change | C.E.C.C.T4 – Collectif d’Elu.e.s pour le Climat Contre le Terminal 4 – extension aéroport Roissy Charles-de-Gaulle | Canopée | CAP AU NORD | cBalance | CCNAAT Toulouse | Climáximo | Colectivo VientoSur | Collectif contre l’extension de l’aéroport de Montpellier et pour un arrêt total des vols entre Montpellier et Paris | Collectif Non au T4 | Coordinadora de Pueblos y Organizaciones del Oriente del Estado de México en Defensa de la Tierra, el Agua y su Cultura (CPOOEM) | Council for Sustainable Transport, Denmark | Counter Balance | Department of Philosophy Klagenfurt University | Ecologistas en Acción | Ethik-Labor | EUROSOLAR | Flight Free Australia | Flight Free UK | Flight Free USA | Flight Free Vermont | Friends of the Earth Asia Pacific | Friends of the Earth International | Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign (GACC) | Global Anti-Aerotropolis Movement (GAAM) | Global Forest Coalition | Green Sky Thinking | Group for Action on Leeds Bradford Airport | KLUG Koalition Luftverkehr Umwelt und Gesundheit | Korea Federation for Environmental Movements | Labor für Kunst und nachhaltige Bildung (LaKunaBi) | Milieudefensie | Morar em Lisboa | Movimiento Ciudadano frente al Cambio Climatico | National Forum for Advocacy Nepal (NAFAN) | Natuurpunt MaViSt Kern Steenokkerzeel | New Weather Institute | No Badgerys Creek Inc | Otros Mundos Chiapas | ReCommon | Rede para o Decrescimento | Réseau Action Climat (RAC) | Residents Against Aircraft Noise | Résistance climatique | ROBIN WOOD e.V. | Save Maldives Campaign | SchipholWatch | Scientists for Global Responsibility | Solutionary Rail | South-West Essex fight the Flights | Stay Grounded | Stop extension aéroport Marseille-Provence | Stop OAK Expansion | System Change, not Climate Change | TaCa (agir pour le climat) | The Energy Poverty Research initiative | Transition Edinburgh | Transition Highbury | UFCNA | Umanotera, Slovenian Foundation for Sustainable Development | UNI.CO.MAL. | VCS beider Basel | VeFeF Vereinigung für erträglichen Luftverkehr, Sektion Baden Wettingen | Vereinigung Bündner Umweltorganisationen vbu | Verein Ökostadt Basel | Werkgroep Red Gelderland | XR Huddersfield | 350 Seattle | 1k HOPES
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Different experts discuss the future of aviation and showcase examples of greenwashing.
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