Originally published in Catalan We call for the cancellation of the Aviation Week, a clear example of the connections between colonialism, racism, militarism, and the destruction of the planet and our cities! On October 23-24, the Aviation Week (MRO) will take place...
71 airlines warned over potential greenwashing in letter from environmental groups
ClientEarth, Fossielvrij and Reclame Fossielvrij have sent a legal letter to 71 airlines warning them to respect the greenwashing limits established by the ruling against KLM earlier this year. Their press release detailing the letter is below. Legal letter sets out...
New chapter in conflict with industry that wants to ‘plant’ jet fuel in the Amazon
Members of the Tembé nation were shot in Tomé-Açu on Monday August 7th 2023. Indigenous communities and quilombolas demand recognition of traditional territories in a dispute with the Brazil Biofuels group (BBF), a producer of palm oil that wants to sell biofuels to...
Victory! Schiphol Will Shut Down at Night
Originally published in Dutch by our member SchipholWatch, on 3rd of April 2023 The years-long battle against Schiphol's nuisance is beginning to bear fruits. Schiphol is going to shut down at night. This is what interim chief executive Ruud Sondag told the Algemeen...
The contradictory aviation policies of Boris Johnson
The UK Prime Minister cut the tax on internal flights just days before he was due to host COP 26 in Glasgow. This blog explains why he did it and why his action may backfire. An opinion piece by John Stewart, HACAN East. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is known for...
Underwater runways
This article first appeared on the Flight Free UK blog and is published here with friendly permission and minor edit. Airlines have finally realised that climate change is a problem. The rest of us cottoned onto this a few decades ago now, so it’s nice of them to...
Airline bailouts – Has Air France been tied down by ‘green strings’?
This is an edited version of an article originally published by Calum Harvey-Scholes of the Exeter University Energy Policy Group Covid-19 has spread rapidly around the world, partly due to busy international transport connections. Attempts to suppress its...
London Heathrow Expansion: 3d Runway = Runaway Climate Breakdown
Even before the intended £18billion further expansion, Heathrow was the UK's biggest emitter of Greenhouse Gases at a time of Climate Breakdown emergency. Another runway would boost current flights of 480,000 to 740,000 seeing passengers rise to 132 million...
The illusion of green flying
A new climate agreement intended to ensure “carbon-neutral growth” in international aviation could lead to a massive increase in demand for problematic offsetting projects. Offsetting schemes for airports are a further measure to provide “green” legitimacy to the...