Category:Stay Grounded activities
2024: Year Review

2024: Year Review

This year the Stay Grounded Network took on everything from frequent flying to the industry's growing obsession with so-called "SAF". This is a - by no means comprehensive - attempt to give an overview of the activities and achievements of our 207 member initiatives,...



Climate Justice & AviationCommunication Training for Activists and CampaignersDo you want to be part of a movement for a fair and green mobility, or boost campaigns on climate justice and aviation? Would you like to be part of a global network of campaigners and...

Looking back at 5 Years of  Stay Grounded

Looking back at 5 Years of Stay Grounded

Looking back at 5 Years of Stay GroundedExactly five years ago, at the beginning of October 2016, ‘Stay Grounded’ was born. We organized simultaneous actions at airports around the world and in 2018, we went public as a network. A lot has happened since, and as we...

New Position Paper is out

The position paper "Stay Grounded - 13 steps for a just transport system and for rapidly reducing aviation" is ready. Find the position paper here. The paper has evolved in a almost year-long democratic consensus-based process. At several network meetings, we...